Autumn (Fall) Vocabulary

Autumn (or fall) is the season after summer but before winter during which temperatures begin to drop and some leaves begin to change from green in color to red, orange, and yellow colors. Other plants may begin to die out. In the northern hemisphere, where the English Island is located, autumn officially runs from late September to late December. In Georgia, temperatures can range from warm, almost summer-like weather in September to very cold nights by November. Let’s look at some common words and expressions used in this time.
Autumnal equinox: This day lands around September 21st or so, and is the day that fall officially begins in the northern hemisphere.
A chill in the air: An expression used when temperatures start dropping to signify the change in season.
Fall festival: Many towns and cities host outdoor festivals where vendors set up booths and sell local art, foods, and crafts.
Pumpkin spice: A flavor popularized in recent years that combines pumpkin, cinnamon, and other bright and warm aromas. This is often used for seasonal coffees at places like Starbucks and in local shops.
Pumpkin patch: An autoimmune response by the body to a substance, such as pollen or certain foods. Allergies can range from mild to serious, with the most severe allergic reactions requiring immediate medical help. Virtually all Georgia residents experience some degree of allergic reaction to pollen, which often takes the form of a stuffy or runny nose.
Scarecrow: Traditionally, a human-like figure made from stuffing hay or straw into clothing. The scarecrow is set into fields by farmers to protect crops from crows and other birds. Scarecrows are also a popular decoration used in autumn along with pumpkins and red and orange leaves.
Apple cider: A drink made from apples that contains more spices compared to apple juice. This can be served hot or cold and can sometimes be alcoholic.