Correlative Conjunctions Quiz
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words which express relationships between equivalent ideas. Each pair expresses a particular type of relationship. Correlative conjunctions are not interchangeable. You cannot “mix and match” part of one correlative conjunction with a part of another.
Each sentence below contains two blank spaces. Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions for the blanks in each sentence. Check the answers and explanations at the end of the quiz to see how well you did.
- _______ was John late for class, ___ he ____ forgot his textbook.
- Ricky doesn’t understand correlative conjunctions ___ well ___ Maria does.
- _________ had Ellen finished watering her garden ____ it began raining.
- _______ Alex ___ Mira can attend the game Saturday because they both have to work.
- The English Island offers ____ individual ___ small group classes at its campus in Atlanta.
- ______ Joni gets serious about ACT prep ___ she will not get into UGA.
Answers and Explanations:
- Answers: not only … but [he] also
Explanation: “Not only … but also” is used to add one idea to another idea of equal importance. John being late to class and forgetting his book both negatively impacted his learning experience.
- Answers: as … as
Explanation: “As … as” is used with an adverb or an adjective to compare similar things. The sentence is comparing Ricky and Maria’s comprehension of correlative conjunctions.
- Answers: no sooner … than
Explanation: “No sooner … than” indicates that one action or event occurs immediately after the completion of another event. The rain started immediately after Ellen finished watering her garden.
- Answers: neither … nor
Explanation: “Neither … nor” expresses the idea that none of the ideas presented are possible or true. Alex and Mira will both miss the game because they are scheduled to work on the day the game takes place.
- Answers: both … and
Explanation: “Both … and” emphasizes that all of the ideas presented in a sentence are possible or true. Individual and small group classes are two services that the English Island offers.
- Answers: either … or
Explanation: “Either … or” is used to express two mutually exclusive ideas. Only one of the two ideas presented can be true. If Joni does not take studying for the ACT more seriously, she will have to settle for a college other than her first choice.